Thursday 23 July 2020

22 ace attorney 6 – ahlbi’s verdict

Dear Readers

When the treasure box opened the way I said it would, the others were shocked, especially Payne. This led to the conclusion that no one could’ve known how to open the box other than Pees’lubn Andistan’dhin himself!

With a dramatic point of my finger I confronted him and told him to admit to being the true killer.

At this he freaked out. He riffed loudly and brought the house down, whacking the two giant speakers away before breaking his instrument on the stand before it came down on top of his head. He then confessed and darned his luck. He couldn’t have himself discovered as the true thief so he committed the murder.

Everyone was shocked. Payne was distraught his perfect record was destroyed, so much so that his crown and hairpiece slipped off his head, now revealed to be bald.

The judge made his final verdict on Ahlbi Ur’gaid: Not Guilty!

With this, the pool shimmered and released pink butterflies all around the court! I turned on the 3D for this part!

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