Wednesday 8 July 2020

7 ace attorney 6 - wondering about the crime scene any why no one here likes defence lawyers

 Dear Readers,

Payne laid out the situation. Ahlbi was being tried for larceny and murder. There was a dead body belonging to a security guard named Paht Rohl, who was on patrol no doubt, haha.

Payne brought up evidence and the judge found it refreshing to see evidence being brought up after so many years of not needing any. Payne relished his position. Having no one question his position meant that he must've won many cases easily over the years.

After Payne outlined the case a bit, the judge begrudgingly let me ask a few questions. 

I asked about the crime scene. The judge gave out to me for not listening to Payne.

I asked about the murder weapon. Payne explained that it was the treasure box itself.

I didn't have a chance to ask about motive. It was straight on to cross-examination, which was another thing the judge completely forgot about, since it's something that hadn't happened in this country for over 20 years.

The judge seemed put out that he had to cancel his class since he thought he'd be finished in court earlier than this. Even Ahlbi seemed to be unhappy with me since he found out I was a defence attorney. Not sure why that is or why everyone in this country seems to have no time for them. I'll see as things go I suppose...

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