Sunday 5 July 2020

4 ace attorney 6 - ahlbi darned! arrested for treason!?

 Dear Readers,

Ahlbi brought me to the temple where he is training to be a monk someday. It looks like I'm not just here on holidays, but also to see Maya Fey, who's also training in this country.

A gong rings and Ahlbi excitedly gives me a song sheet and brings me to see "Her Benevolence" doing some kind of dance ritual.

What followed was an anime cutscene and some cool Eastern singing. The one he talked about, also the one from the menu artwork doing the spinning, was doing the dancing. It was a pretty cool scene with some dramatic dancing.

Then something else dramatic happens. Ahlbi suddenly gets arrested by some policemen bursting in and pointing guns at him, telling him he's being arrested for treason!

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