Tuesday 7 July 2020

6 ace attorney 6 - princess rayfa gives me a chance to defend ahlbi

Dear Readers,

The judge demanded to know who I was. I said I was a tourist and he welcomed me with the greeting. I then asked him why Ahlbi didn't have a defence attorney and he laughed with amusement at culture shock.

The judge told me that in this country, they had no need for defence attorneys, that they leave it all up to Her Benevolence's sacred power of Spirit Communion. He said her Divination Séances determined all.

I called the whole thing unfair and Rayfa called me a barb-headed buffoon, smirking at me, saying she would summon the bailiff. Ahlbi stood up and said I had no part of this and told me to go find Maya.

I decided to defend Ahlbi, since he desperately needed me right now. Plus, Maya would be pretty mad at me if I didn't. Everyone in the courtroom was shocked. The judge was about to throw me out, but Payne, of all people, interjected and said why not let me defend the accused.

Rayfa then agreed, saying why not and that a score of years had passed since they last saw a defence attorney in this courtroom. She said she wanted my barbed head on a stick. Yikes!

Well, here I am, defending Ahlbi and facing against Payne once again.

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