Sunday 12 July 2020

11 ace attorney 6 - tearing the ridiculous insights apart

Dear Readers,

After I sussed the Séance system (I should've made that the title of the last entry, it would've made for some nice alliteration), Payne was ready to account for the contradiction. I had to remain on my toes.

Rayfa's Insight was revised and it was up to me to keep finding inconsistencies.

I was stumped. I tried to match evidence with insight, but I could only match the image sensations with the insight. I eventually got it right when I raised an objection on PAIN when the insight mentioned it.

Indeed, things went black before the moment of pain happened. Rayfa started to sweat and couldn't believe her insight was in any way fallible. The judge was starting to see it too when Payne raised an objection.

Payne then brought up the fact that there was a power cut at that moment in time! Very convenient to bring that up now!

Rayfa then revised her insight to the most ridiculous thing, that the defendant feared the victim would flee in the darkness, yet she got a big round of applause for it. I immediately raised an objection at the moment it was dark, yet the song of ceremony could still be heard.

By the way, it's sad that I can't use the microphone when objecting during the insights.

I brought this fact up and Payne started sweating and the dramatic music started playing :)

The moment became decisive, and so did the stakes. It got to the point where I was being accused of lying and there was talk of me being tongue-sheared. They said "chop chop" and I could only think "stop, stop...!" which made me laugh! The savages.

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