Saturday 25 July 2020

24 ace attorney 6 - trucy's new show

Dear Readers,

That was episode 1 of the game! Now on to episode 2!

An opening animated scene showed a girl going along a path before being confronted by a dragon. She revealed herself to be Trucy and beat the baddie, Mr. Reus! It was a show she was putting on in Penrose Theatre.

Athena applauded her performance. Her show was called Trucy in Gramarye Land, kinda like Alice in Wonderland except with herself and the Gramarye... I think that's a reference to her birth family if I remember right.

Athena and I agreed this would bring great attention to the Wright Anything Agency, though they would mostly be interested in Trucy.

I was now Apollo Justice in this episode! This takes place when Phoenix went away on the trip to that weird country in the first episode to see Maya.

It's a nice introduction to these three characters again... haven't seen them in quite a while. This doesn't include Athena's Widget, who also speaks.

We went into Trucy's dressing room during the break, where she was signing a contract to turn her show into a TV special. Nice!

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