Monday 6 July 2020

5 ace attorney 6 - my first major objection!

 Dear Readers,

After Ahlbi got arrested, we found ourselves in the High Court of Khura'in's accused lobby. The bailiff wouldn't allow me into the court because I was a foreigner. He said if I wanted a picture for my scrapbook, I could take one of him holding his gun and get lost.

I told him I was a lawyer and he started sweating. While he was caught off guard, I rushed into the courtroom.

I could see Ahlbi, "Her Benevolence", what looked like Payne from the first court case in every Ace Attorney game, and the judge, who looked an awful lot like the judge from back home, except with this country's traditional attire.

The judge immediately declared a guilty verdict, even though the trial just started. The reason for this was because of something that Her Belevelonce, named as Princess Rayfa, did that reveals the truth. Something called a "Divination Séance"

The man was indeed Payne, but on the opposite side there was no one. No defence attorney at all! Ahlbi objected to his verdict, but Rayfa told him to be silent and commanded the judge to lay a penalty on him. The crowd in the court chanted something and in the middle of it all, I yelled "Objection!" taking a stand at the empty space that should've had Albi's lawyer.

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