Wednesday 15 July 2020

14 ace attorney 6 - introduction to the head monk pees'lubn andistan'dhin

Dear Readers,

The next thing I had to argue was where else could the victim have been struck from. I proposed that he could've been struck from behind. I asked Ahlbi for help with this and he had Shah'do on his head, which was cute. Shah'do barked and Ahlbi said someone was there!

Payne, after telling me to give up numerous times, then brought up the idea that there was a witness there! The witness was brought in...

It was the guy from the intro! He seemed hippie-ish in his get-up and his name seemed to suggest so as well:

Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin, a mouthful that sounds like "Peace, love and understanding" was his name. He was the head monk of the temple.

I'm not sure what to do. It's gonna be a pain in the hole to type out his name all the time... easy to pronounce but a pain to type out.

Andistan'dhin (whew) played a bit of his instrument. He's also an instructor and sang a bit of the Song of Ceremony. His instrument is called a dahmalan. Not quite a sitar and not quite a guitar, but it's something.

Then it was revealed he was the instructor of the class the judge missed! Haha!

He was also the guardian of the treasure box and he showed the key around his neck, saying that the thief cracked open the box anyway. It was the Magatama Key.

I gotta say, he sings(lyricises) and plays well! He has a real hippie far out way of speaking too. He went on to give his testimony...

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