Monday 11 June 2018

101 zelda breath of the wild - biggest staminoka bass haul yet

Dear Readers,

I went back to the Riverside Stable to go fishing for more Staminoka Bass.

I went fishing in several places actually, but I find that this is the best place to find them so far. I just had a relaxing session of catching these fish. I even chopped some trees for a Korok Leaf, just to go out fishing on a boat.

The boat flowed along the current of the river and I got a good supply of these stamina replenishing fish. Well over 10! I stopped now and again to pick out the odd treasure chest that was floating in the water.

I find the best way to catch these fish however was to use the radar on them and glide into their spot in the river before giving a quick bear swipe to catch them. Taking the boat out is nice but... also kinda laborious. One advantage of using the boat is that not many enemies interfere apart from Octoroks. At night you don't get attacked by Stalkoblins and their ilk.

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