Saturday 16 June 2018

106 zelda breath of the wild - exploring deya village ruins and discovering the spring of courage

Dear Readers,

I wandered north into Farosh Hills. I saw some trees in water on the map so I went in that direction. I found loads of Korok Seeds! Loads!

Along the way I found three trees on a hill with Hearty Durians growing on them. I picked a few :)

Further north I came across some unusual plants. They were in groups of different numbers, 5, 4, 3, 2 and when I got to the lone flower it sprouted a purple bloom and made a sound. I then went to the group with two flowers and that sprouted purple flowers, then to the group with three, then four then five at which stage another Korok appeared. 29th Korok Seed received!

I got to the marshy spot with the trees. No stone structure there but there was a hollow tree trunk with a metal ball hanging from it. I used Magnesis to put the ball in the hollow for my 30th Korok Seed.

I kept going and towards the Deya Lake and the Deya Village Ruins. Just a big open marshy space and it made me wonder what happened to this place. I found a well that was full of Sneaky River Snails and another well with a metal ball and chain. Got my 31st Korok Seed here.

I wandered some more. I found big slabs and knocked them out of the way with Stasis for treasure chests. They had an opal and rupees in them. I fought with some Lizalfos as well. They were patrolling around here.

I found a big hollowed out log. There was a little white sparkly sprite thing here at the bottom of it, flitting around. I examined it for my 32nd Korok Seed.

I climbed up from the lake and to a pond in the south with two sparkly white things flitting around. 33rd and 34th Korok Seeds! Some more ponds here. No more Koroks but they were full of other things like Blue Nightshades, Hot Footed Frogs, Sneaky River Snails, Sunset Fireflies... lots of stuff.

The top of the hill to the east of Farosh Hills had a rock with a Korok Seed. My 35th.

I investigated a body of water further east and came across the Spring Of Courage! Only trouble was it was crawling with monsters. I dashed past them and reached the goddess statue and it asked for Farosh's Scale. Looks like I'll have to find a way to get one of that big dragon's scales!

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