Tuesday 5 June 2018

95 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda in the eldin mountains

Dear Readers,

I glided and climbed towards the west from Eldin Tower, while also trying not to get to close to the heat intensive lava area.

I exhausted my Energising Fish Skewer supplies to climb the tall peaks.

#117 Fire-Breath Lizalfos

I spotted these creatures around here Didn't deal with them though. I did sprout some more Stalmobins, but I had no time for them. I just ran away and climbed to safety.

After more gliding and climbing I finally saw the area with the water. It was in the region to the west of this one and its tower was there too! However, it looked like I overshot the spot in the fifth photograph, so I went back east one peak. I climbed to the top and saw a stone circle and the recall spot! I started recalling the memory...

...Princess Zelda was tending to my wounds. There were many many corpses of Bokoblins and... what I think is a Lynel strewn around the place. Did I kill all of these? She told me just because I was brave it did not make me immortal. She worried that the sheer number and size of enemies that were appearing was an omen of Ganon's return. We both stood up and walked away...

That was the memory. What the heck were we doing all the way up here? I knew about the journey to Goron City but why up on this isolated peak? I might learn more about this later. In the meantime I'll have to stock up on health and stamina replenishing supplies!

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