Thursday 14 June 2018

104 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at hyrule castle

Dear Readers,

Just outside Princess Zelda's Study was the shiny spot. I stood there and recalled the memory from the 8th photograph...

...Princess Zelda and I were standing on this spot, looking down at the Sheikah controlling the Guardians. She was fascinated and amazed by this. Just then though, the king arrived and started scolding Zelda for not concentrating on her training. He forbade her to have anything to do with the Guardian machines from now on. While all this was going on I was kneeling before the king. He said people were starting to gossip about her, specifically about her failure and it was up to her to keep training and prove them wrong...

Afterwards I ran back into the study so I wouldn't get zapped. Yikes that was a tense scene. So she was fixated on technology rather than her studies? It sounds relatable, especially since she was being scolded for it.

Just three more memories for me to find now :)

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