Saturday 30 June 2018

120 zelda breath of the wild - rematch with the guardian scout iii of muwo jeem shrine! payback time!

Dear Readers,

Emboldened by the prospect of my Thunderblades being super effective against mechanical enemies, I decided to return to Muwo Jeem Shrine to challenge the Guardian Scout III there to a rematch!

I did many save reloads but it was more than doable with these weapons! I developed a strategy where I used flurry rushes while the sword was charged up. When it started doing the sweeping laser that makes me look incredibly buffoonish when I get caught in it, I used the windy updraught to get a good shot on it with an Electric Arrow. I shield bashed its lasers back at it as well. At the very end when it started using its super powerful laser blasts, I simply walked around it in tight circles and it never hit me! Then I delivered my last charged up sword strikes until it was finally defeated! Woo! :)

I used up one Thunderblade completely and got some wearing on the second one I had as well. They definitely helped with this fight big time!

#274 Ancient Battle Axe+
#377 Guardian Shield+

It dropped these items. Maybe I can use these in the next Guardian fight :) There was a Knight's Bow in the treasure chest here too. I collected the Spirit Orb from the monk and left, triumphant at last! :)

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