Friday 29 June 2018

119 zelda breath of the wild - conducting electricity in kay noh shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the region north of the Gerudo region. The tower there is in an unusual peninsular place too so it was interesting to me. However, I changed plans and went exploring Kay Noh Shrine instead. The trial there was called "Power Of Electricity".

I found this shrine while gliding from Wasteland Tower. There was a stable nearby too that I'll be visiting later no doubt.

On entering I could see that I could use special electric balls to power mechanisms to open doors. I could also handle these safely so that was nice. I got through the first door okay. It was a good introduction.

Straight ahead I saw a locked door. To the left I saw another electronic mechanism and to the right was a path that lead to a Guardian Scout I. There seemed to be an enemy beyond the locked door too. I had to defeat the Scout to get the electric ball in order to use it on the mechanism. Beyond here was a treasure chest with a small key! I think that's the first one I've seen in the game! It's normally a Zelda staple.

I opened the door and there was a Guardian Scout II beyond it. Are mechanical enemies weak to electric weapons? Because my Thunderblade did very well against them! I just might take on those combat shrines that kicked my butt earlier :)

Further on was a room with two pools of water and small metal crates being used to conduct electricity to mechanisms. One of them was incomplete so I used Magnesis to move a crate into line. The door to the monk opened when the mechanism was activated.

There was a metal chest in this room too. It was high up and I pulled it down with Magnesis. It had a Gerudo Scimitar inside but I decided to leave it in the chest.

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