Wednesday 27 June 2018

117 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out the cold cold hebra region

Dear Readers,

I was feeling brave and decided to explore the cold northwestern region I hadn't mapped out yet. I made some Spicy Elixirs, warped to Tabantha Tower and glided down to the road that lead towards this region.

I followed the road and crossed the Kolami Bridge. The road continued through a pass were I spotted Blue Lizalfos. I didn't want to bother with them so I climbed up onto the side of the pass and continued that way. Afterwards I veered northeast off the path and glided down to the road leading right into the cold region. I drank a Spicy Elixir and tore on through!

My radar detected a shrine up a mountain so I decided to climb. I figured I could set a warp point and get to higher ground so I could do some gliding. When I got to the top however I didn't see any shrine in that direction. All I could see was a camp with a Black Moblin and many Blue Lizalfos. I gave up on that idea and continued in the direction of the region tower.

#325 Forest Dweller's Bow

I found this in a treasure chest next to a flag. This was my first time getting one of these triple shot bows that only cost one arrow to use :)

At the peak of this particular hill was a rock. I lifted it and found my 37th Korok Seed.

I had a good view of the tower from here. I examined it and noticed these weird rocks all around it. I glided towards the tower and it came to be known as Hebra Tower. The rocks were solid ice and completely blocked the way. If only I hadn't dropped my Fire Rod earlier! I had to shoot Fire Arrows at one of the rocks and climb up the tower so I could activate it. This mapped out the Hebra Region for me.

I took a look at the map. I wasn't even in the main mountainous part of this region! That was further to the northwest. To the west were some lakes, and most interesting of all, there was a maze structure in the northeast. This was a similar idea to the maze island in the Akkala Region. Interesting place!

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