Wednesday 6 June 2018

96 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out the woodland region

Dear Readers,

From the Eldin mountains I decided to glide all the way to the tower in the region to the west. I thought I might as well, since I was at a good altitude.

I rested a couple of times but I eventually made it to this region, only a short walk away from the tower. It had Moblin camps and muddy goop around it. I took out a Fire Wizzrobe with the Ice Rod and some Water Octoroks with a shield and an arrow. I made some ice platforms to cross the goop and started climbing.

On the way up I had to rest on a platform built next to the tower. The Bokoblins seemed to have been making scaffolding or something. That's how I used the structures anyway! I had to knock one off his platform without being blown up myself. I climbed until I got enough height and stamina to make the rest of the climb to the top of the tower, which came to be known as Woodland Tower. I mapped out this region too but it didn't have its own name. Is it part of Eldin or Central Hyrule? Maybe I'll just call it Woodland.

Anyway this tower was kinda strange because it had a big rocky shell stuck on top, which obscured my view. Maybe it was a Bokoblin skull lair before the tower sprouted from underneath? As for the structures around here, they looked nicer as distant objects in the fifth photograph!

Afterwards I warped to the Riverside Stable to stock up on Staminoka Bass for Energising Fish Skewers and made some Simmered Fruit, using 3 apples this time. One for each heart it seems. I also warped to Hateno Village to fish at Nirvata Lake. I used a Korok Leaf with the boat to catch some more. I picked quite a few more apples too. Better make sure to be well stocked :)

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