Monday 9 July 2018

129 zelda breath of the wild - pikango saves the day again by telling me where the horse statue is

Dear Readers,

I warped back to Central Hyrule. It seemed like here, more than anywhere else that the mountains in the background of the tenth photograph lined up the way they did. Left background, Gerudo Highlands and right background, Satori Mountain.

I wandered a bit and crossed Aquame Bridge. It lead to this massive ruined Colosseum with a Lynel stomping around inside. Some evil goop around too. There was a guy cowering behind a wall named Dai who took the notion of going in there to slay the monsters and get the treasures and weapons as a reward. However, this was as far as he got. I didn't really want to go in there either. I wanted to find this horse statue.

I backtracked and crossed Gleeok Bridge. I continued southwest towards the shrine, which came to be known as Rota Ooh Shrine, and set a warp point. Then I heard stable music and Outskirt Stable was nearby. I immediately started hoping Pikango was here and sure enough he was! And he looked at the horse statue photograph! Woo!

Pikango said the area in the tenth photograph was called the Sanidin Park Ruins. It was on Safula Hill to the northwest of here and that's where I could find the statue. Thank you Pikango! You saved the day again :)

At this point my Joy-Cons completely ran out of power so I was playing it in handheld mode. The Switch itself was at 7% power so I pretty much had to stop at this point. I'll go back to tabletop mode when I have everything charged. That's my favourite way to play the Nintendo Switch :)

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