Tuesday 17 July 2018

137 zelda breath of the wild - making waterfall ice pillars at ha dahamar shrine

Dear Readers,

Ha Dahamar Shrine was surrounded by spikes. I glided in okay, but I didn't have a way of leaving easily. I decided to just do "The Water Guides" trial while I was there.

On entering I stood before a narrow corridor with narrower ledges and some waterfalls going into a bottomless pit. They didn't make a clear path so I had to use Cryonis. I was surprised to see I could make pillars of ice emerge sideways from the waterfalls! That was pretty cool :)

I continued until I spotted a treasure chest up high. I made some more waterfall pillars so I could climb up to it. There was 50 rupees inside.

Further on was a wide open area. On the opposite wall was a huge waterfall and a puzzle involving a large falling ball. I had to use Cryonis in three separate places. First one above the ramp on the far left to make the ball fall to the right, the second under the left side of the see-saw and the third as a platform so the ball could reach the bowl at the bottom. Doing this unlocked the way to the monk! Nice little puzzle.

When I got out of the shrine, the spikes had disappeared! Yay! :)

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