Sunday 22 July 2018

142 zelda breath of the wild - how i carried the blue flame from tumlea heights without getting killed

Dear Readers,

Robbie wanted the blue flame from Tumlea Heights, so I decided to go fetch it.

A nearby pit to the west of the lab with some wrecked Guardians had a rock with my 48th Korok Seed underneath.

Tumlea Heights was across a valley and Bloodleaf Lake to the west. I glided over there and saw that I was going to have to deal with Moblins as part of this flame carrying commute! Plus, it was raining now so I couldn't carry a flame anywhere. I waited and scouted a little bit. I would have to deal with Moblins, Stalmoblins, Bokoblins, Fire Keese, wolves and that Decayed Guardian from earlier. I couldn't fight while carrying a flaming torch either!

When it stopped raining I got my torch out and carried the flame like it was the Olympics! Tumlea Heights was arranged a bit like a spiral so I had to wind down the hill, lighting the handy blue lanterns along the way. I did get badly injured once and it briefly rained again so I had to light the torch again at one of these lantern "checkpoints". I didn't cross that bridge at Bloodleaf Lake, but I got around the south end of it and back up the hill to the tech lab. I ran along the cliff edge again to avoid the Decayed Guardian and made it all the way back to the lab! I lit the furnace and got the warp point! Whew!

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