Wednesday 18 July 2018

138 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at duelling peaks stable

Dear Readers,

I decided to mingle at Duelling Peaks Stable, which was near the shrine I had just completed.

A man named Mezer was just passing by. He was selling meat. I declined for now.

A girl named Sagessa was sitting by the cooking pot. She talked about elixirs and I said I didn't know about them, so she gave me a Hasty Elixir. Nice of her. :) I tried my luck by talking to her again but she wasn't having it. Oh well :) She also noted how it was mainly twins who lived at this stable! Running with the theme I guess :)

I chatted with Darton and Shibo, two twin kids who were tending to the horses and were only too happy to teach me about them. They called me nosy at first but they warmed up to me when they saw my interest. They said that horses with spots were easier to tame but one-colour horses had more stamina. Interesting!

A man named Rensa enthusiastically offered directions. His brother Tasseren was at the counter. He had information about the history of wild horses, Kakariko Village and Hateno Village. I was already informed enough but it was nice to chat anyway.

Joute passed by on horseback. He said there were other animals that would let me ride them.

A man named Hino was lost in thought. He was doing research on the blood moon. He also knew what tonight's moon was gonna be like so that's a handy thing :)

Twin treasure hunters named Prissen and Domidak were inside talking about treasure hidden by a bandit named Misko. I pestered them about it and they agreed to let me in on their secret for 100 rupees. I declined. I'll see what I can do about this later.

Sagessa talked a bit about shrines but hadn't that much interest in them.

Rensa yelled at me for a challenge on taming horses. I took him up on it, to tame a horse and bring it back to him within 2 minutes. I managed it with 9 seconds left. I would've gotten a faster time but it was night time and the horses got spooked by Stalkoblins! Shucks! Just a minor setback though. He gave me 50 rupees as a reward for finishing the challenge :) This came up as "Wild Horses" in the side quests.

Bugut was passing by too. He was selling food that replenishes stamina. Energetic Rhino Beetle, Staminoka Bass, Stamella Shroom and Bright-Eyed Crab. I'm happy enough with my Staminoka Bass stamina replenishing strategy at the moment, but I'll see sometime if these other ones can do any better :)

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