Friday 2 November 2018

62 night in the woods - chatting with lori m on the tracks

Dear Readers,

Time for another cosy rooftop chat with Lori M! We had a great time hanging out.

I greeted her as "kid" and she greeted me as "adult", like the teens in the tunnel, but she's much more polite of course.

She invited me to hang out at the tracks and gave a million "you don't have to"s and "It's ok"s and I laughed, telling her to give me a chance before she decided I said no. She calmed a bit and asked me straight and I said "Sure!". She seemed delighted and said it'll be fun!

The scene shifted to us walking along the tracks. I told her it was a while since I had been here. She said her house was 3 minutes away and that she had the longest night lights from last year still up. I told her someone on my street does that too. She said they got pumpkins last year and left them out too long and they "liquefied". I said "Oh yeah I remember that happened with ours one year" and that my mom was angry at my dad for leaving it go that way. He had to mop it up. Lori M said she saw a time lapse video of when a corpse decays and liquefies too. I said we were all goo, deep down.

She said a cool thing to do was to squish a metal thing on the tracks, a thing she likes doing a lot. I said it was cool and she said she brought a little metal dude so we could see what happens... I said it sounded good.

The scene shifted to us lying down between the two sets of tracks, with our feet on one set of them. Some lovely chill music started playing and it sounded really nice :)

Lori M said she comes out here at night sometimes and falls asleep between the tracks. Yikes... I asked her "Why?" and she said she didn't know, that she feels excited and that she can sleep. She asked me if I ever had that feeling, where you're so excited you go to sleep? I said "I have stress dreams if I'm too keyed up". She said she doesn't remember her dreams.

Then a train horn blared.

She went on, saying she sometimes falls asleep for 5 minutes, or even an hour. I told her it was some risky business.

We took our feet off the tracks. The Joy-Cons rumbled at different levels and a train drove past! When it passed by we put our feet back on the tracks! Hahaha! I love this!

She continued! She said she has weird thoughts, that sometimes she wants to go sleep in the woods or in the basement of an abandoned house during the day and only come out at night and be "like, a monster, and, like, beautiful." Wow... I told her "I know the feeling" and went on to say that I wanted to eat people sometimes. She was amazed at this and I said it was pretty much as soon as I meet anyone I wonder what they taste like. She said she felt like the world was full of bad people who would be good to eat and I concurred!

Another rumble. We took our feet off the tracks again and this time two trains passed by on either side of us. We then got up and took a look at the little metal guy. We were pretty pleased at the result. She said he represents the human soul and that this was important art. He wasn't shown on screen though!

And that was it! when we got back to the roof I doodled a picture of her in my journal at last! :) I drew her head with some cat skulls, some bones, a knife... a hatchet I think?... and I wrote underneath: "LORI M." along with "HORROR MOVIES" and "TRAINS" in bullet points.

I'm glad I finally doodled her! :) I adore her! Looking forward to chatting with her again! Her speech went back to a skull and crossbones.

I doodled another drawing that actually looks pretty unsettling. It was of a person with a coat and hat and mask holding their ear and then an arrow to show what happened next, which was that person looking all wobbly and kind of scary looking. This... is the metal guy right? Before and after the train tracks? Wow...

No one outside the Telezoft building today...

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