Wednesday 28 November 2018

88 night in the woods - waking up after harfest

Dear Readers,

Waking up this morning was a little different. The music sounded different as I was dozing. Instead of a chime it's a deeper sound. I then drew the most terrifying doodle I made yet.

On one page I drew the figure I saw last night that took the kid away. I made it all intensely black. It looked like it was wearing a mining helmet. On the opposite page I just made a massive black circle and filled it in all black. I'm not sure how I didn't wear out the page with the amount of scrawling that must've taken. For real though it looked very unsettling.

I went online to away messages from Bea and Gregg. Bea was really grateful for my help last night and seemed really humbled and realised she kind of imposed on me. She said I could drop by the shop to say hello. She was cleaning after last night. Definitely will on the Bea playthrough! But for real, Bea really has softened. She's like a different person now. Gregg apologised he couldn't hang out last night and said Angus "apologises 2". Aw :) He said band practice was today too. I have to bring this kidnapper thing up with them...

The purple turnip of bad news asked if autumn was secretly killing you. I hope Bright Harbor isn't as clickbaity as its newspaper...

I'm glad Sharkle isn't clickbait though! He just looks friendly and guffaws when I click him :) I gave him a click before going offline.

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