Thursday 8 November 2018

68 night in the woods - our dumb knife game

Dear Readers,

The Snack Falcon was having Spooky Savings! I didn't see any other special Halloweeny thing going on but Gregg was even more excited to get out from behind the counter and go do something.

I asked him "You have a near death experience or something?" and he said his job was one long near death experience! Haha :) ain't it the truth! He really was dying to go out and do something and asked me if I wanted to. I answered "Yeah man! Let's go." to which he howled with excitement!

The scene shifted to a bicycle ride! Gregg was cycling and I was on the carrier. We were both wearing goggles. This was a gorgeous scene! Reminds me of many "coming of age" dramas or that scene in FLCL where Haruko and Naota are on the Vespa scooter and driving on the road near the water and it's all sunsetty there too. The music was really nice as well.

We cycled by a building with huge windows, just like in the dream I had last night! We didn't stop there though.

The scene then shifted to a quiet, wooded area. A very calm scene, with leaves falling and birds chirping. We chatted as we walked along. Gregg was telling me about some kit you can get off the internet that motorises a bicycle. I asked him why he didn't get a dirt bike and he said he was an adult now so he just rides that bike. I asked him where we were and he just said "the woods" before skipping ahead. I followed after him.

He got up on a fallen tree trunk that was still barely attached to its stump. I followed him up on it and declared it the log bridge to Valhalla! He got all excited and flapped his arms, saying "Cross and die, mortal!". I told him this log was gonna snap and we were gonna break our legs and end up having to crawl back to town. He added that we could die of bears and cold. I asked him if he remembered when we would have dumb knife fights and he remembered with a laugh. We would go home with cuts all over our hands and I laughed at how dumb it was.

He then revealed that he had knives right here and now! This is another one of those moments in the game where I wouldn't dream of doing this in real life, but Mae was dying to play this old and very dangerous and dumb game with Gregg! "The first to wuss out 3 times loses" was the rule. We approached each other on the log and made our battle cries!

The scene then shifted to our knife wielding hands with woods and sunset in the background. This is a game I really don't want to play in real life! Some tense challenge music started playing too!

Urgh... the humanity... the stabs, the clash of knives, the audible grunts from him and me, the big red Xes on our hands... it wasn't pretty! He got me twice and I got him three times! But man... that wasn't the end. From our taunting of one another, we had to go another round!

On the second round I got him twice and he got me three times this time! He asked if I was ok and I said NO PITY. Yikes... a third round then...

I lost the third round too, 2 stabs to three. Argh... I said I was gonna have to explain this to my parents. He asked if I was gonna use the dog bite excuse and I said they'd ask why it had a knife. Yeesh!

FOURTH round! This time it was 3 stabs to 2 in my favour! I asked if he was ok and he said he wasn't. I suggested we stop but he was fired up for a FIFTH round!

He completely thrashed me on the fifth round and I didn't get a single stab in on him. The music finally stopped and so did the knife fighting. Thank goodness! He laughed, saying I wouldn't last a day on the streets but also asked in the same breath if I was ok. I told him I was feeling woozy, and that believe it or not I didn't knife fight much. He said he wouldn't either if he was that bad at it. That really was enough! I could barely do the over and back taunts at this point. I said this blood is gonna attract predators and he finished with "good point" before the scene shifted back away from knives and just us hanging out on the log. Nice pun though if that was intentional :)

I asked him why he had two knives and he said "huh, good question", to which I paused. I bet he planned this all along! Wanting to relive old times :)

He suggested we break the log we were standing on and no, not with the knives! I was worried we were gonna get killed but he said we weren't. Looking at this scene on screen, it doesn't look that high up but I gotta account for their height too! That scene at the start of the game looked far more dangerous but this doesn't seem too safe either. Gregg started stomping. I couldn't do anything else but jump right now so I stomped along with him. The log shook and eventually broke from under us and we fell to the ground... but we were ok! We stayed like this and chatted.

I said I was thinking that if you saw a rotting log or some ice near a rock that you have to break it right then and there. I said I couldn't not do that. He agreed. Then he said he liked that feeling because it was like, he was here. We were here and we changed the woods, making them never be the same again. I said it was a butterfly effect. Then he said someone's gonna die or get born all because we broke that log. We were talking pretty silly now! Silly talk after a fun time :) hope it's not the loss of blood...

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