Wednesday 7 November 2018

67 night in the woods - hanging out with germ in the big empty car park

Dear Readers,

I went to the Food Donkey. It had its own music playing this time! Some nice strumming with a gentle beat. I chatted with Germ again.

He asked if I wanted to hang out and I said I didn't know, that I was supposed to hang out with Gregg or Bea tonight (as per the game's rules? :) ). He then said he wasn't asking me to run away and get married. I said "Yes" and asked what he wanted to do. He just said to follow him.

The scene shifted to the big empty parking lot of the Food Donkey nearby. It was all zoomed out to show how big and empty it was. "We're here!" he said. I wasn't sure if he was serious but he was. He said it was like really big here and that we could see like all of the sky here. I stopped for a moment and looked for myself. I agreed with him but went back to asking him if this was really all that we were doing.

He then said sometimes if you're up on the hill back there that fog comes down and it looks like an ocean. And when deer pass through it's like magic. He asked why we ever needed this much parking. I answered "Jobs". People used to work at the glass factory and I guessed some people still worked at the sewing place. Some other factory on top of that I couldn't think of. Germ said they were all gone now and I agreed, noting the large amount of asphalt, weeds, and broken glass. He thought it was really pretty and he loved it. I humoured him but I kind of agree with him too. Big empty car parks are pretty cool :)

He said that if nothing happens here anymore then in a bunch of years this place will just become regular ground. I asked "What's gonna happen to the parking lot?". He answered that Nature's old and it waits you out. I said that was kinda spooky. Then he said we were done.

The scene shifted back to right outside the Food Donkey. He had to go before I could tell him something. I bet it was gonna be about the dreams I've been having lately, but he left and walked right back into the steps again! I understand if he's walking along the other side of the steps, but here it looks like he's walking into them! With all the stuff he's been saying it makes him look like some mystical being that appears and disappears mysteriously! But yeah, Germ's cool and offbeat. Kinda like Lori M.

I made another doodle in my journal. It was awesome. It was of the big wide open space of the car park with those lone lights scattered around, a line for the hill in the background, a big round circle for the sunset, and last but not least, a little silhouette of Germ just standing here. I love this doodle! It reminds me of Picasso's Don Quixote. Instead of windmills there are lights.

I went back to town to see Gregg at the Snack Falcon.

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