Monday 12 November 2018

72 night in the woods - bea budgets, gregg and i recover

Dear Readers,

Before going to sleep I went online once again to chat with buddies. Bea and Gregg were online.

I asked Bea what she was up to and she was doing budget stuff for the shop and watching music videos from the 80s. I told her that's what she'd be doing if she were 20 years older than she was. She then said she had to take over for her mom and was just being thorough. I told her she was doing a good job! She said thanks and we said goodnight then.

Gregg and I greeted each other happily and he thanked me for hanging out with him earlier. He asked about my knife wounds and I said I ran them under some water, figuring that would fix them. He said sorry about being a bummer at the end and I told him it was fine, seriously. We then both decided to get some sleep after our tiring day. I clicked on Sharkle for a goodnight giggle before going to bed.

It would not be a restful sleep... I had yet another crazy dream. They're not letting up at all!

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