Thursday 15 November 2018

75 night in the woods - the tooth about the crawlspace

Dear Readers,

I left my room and did my usual morning bits.

I looked at our family portrait again and noted I definitely grew a bit taller... and a bit wider. Granddad said I was "sturdy". I paused for a moment and then... I just owned it. Owned the "sturdy"!

I greeted the bird, calling it trashbird.

I went into the crawlspace to see that dad had moved the boxes! I continued and went through a small little door  to a dark, murky place with the sound of pipes and water. This was the basement. There were cans on a shelf here and a safe too! Because I had read those numbers I found at the bookcase earlier, I automatically used them to open the safe when I examined it.

When I opened the safe I was surprised to find an old tooth. Granddad put an old tooth in a safe in the basement. I had no idea what this meant but I accepted it merrily. I told the tooth we were gonna go far and that I never knew when I would need an extra tooth!

In my journal I doodled the tooth and wrote "MYSTERIOUS TOOTH" underneath. I put this on the page opposite the doodle I made of Selmers.

I went downstairs to see that dad had moved the boxes down here. Mom didn't have narrowed eyes but when I talked to her, something seemed to be a bit off. I thought maybe the big argument could still happen, so I decided to revert to the last save and avoid the conversation.

I left without saying hi to her. I'll say hi to her later at the church desk...

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