Wednesday 21 November 2018

81 night in the woods - meeting germ's friends

Dear Readers,

I was hoping to see Germ by the Food Donkey again but he wasn't there. However, I found him at the top of the steps and he was with someone...

The scene seemed eerie. He was hanging out with three other people here. Were these the people he was talking about that had the dogs?

I greeted him and he greeted me back. Then the one named Skamz introduced themselves, introduced Jenna and the one named Bill Don introduced himself. Then Germ introduced himself and I introduced myself. By the time this was all over, I had completely forgotten what I was about to say!

I asked Germ if he was coming to Harfest. He said maybe. I asked the others if they were going and Skamz said they might hop over and check it out. They asked about the ghosts we had for real in this town. I didn't know what they meant and Germ brought up Little Joe. I knew then.

Skamz talked about their buddy from Bright Harbour who never got off in this town because of the ghost. Bill Don was unconvinced. Skamz said the ghost sneaks into rail yards and snatches up the good and the pure. Yikes...

I was polite and said it was nice to meet them and maybe I'll see them at Harfest. I bid Germ farewell. His speech balloon became an inverted pentagram.and a catghost.

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