Monday 26 November 2018

86 night in the woods - something horrible actually happens

Dear Readers,

After the pageant, Bea, Gregg and I stood outside the Ol' Pickaxe. It was all dark and moody and quiet now and the Harfest festivities were over.

Bea thanked us for helping out and swore she was never doing that again. I asked them what were we doing now and Gregg said he was going home. Angus was making dinner and they were gonna watch horror movies. I asked if I could come and he said it was more of a date thing. I asked Bea what she was doing and she said she had to go to the Ham Panther as the Chamber of Commerce members were having an event there. It was business stuff. She said she hated it. I asked if I could come and she said nope. Then we all said goodnight to each other... Shucks... I wanted to hang out and have more fun. It was Harfest and Halloween after all! No one else wanted to though. They weren't even wearing costumes for the pageant.

Bea and Gregg left, leaving me alone all dressed up and nowhere to go. I grumpily looked out at someone who was looking at their phone. Then something horrible happened...

A figure popped out from behind them and put their hand over their mouth. They muffled a scream before they lost consciousness. The figure then picked them up, and carried them off to the left. My eyes widened and I called out for help! Then I gave chase. I followed them all the way to the Food Donkey. It looked like I lost them but then I continued and saw them at the top of the hill, behind the fence. Good gosh it was creepy. The music and everything was so creepy here. All I could do was stand and look at them. Then Aunt Molly came along behind me.

Molly told me to go home. I told her there was a guy up on the hill, who stole some kid and looked like a ghost! Molly heard what I said but she could do nothing but tell me I couldn't be here. I tried to explain more but Molly insisted on driving me home right now, this instant...

I gotta stop and talk about this scene. In my opinion it's a masterpiece in 2D video game cinematography and storytelling! One moment it's hanging out with buddies and the next, this kidnapping happens. It's disorienting when it happens! Meanwhile, Mae is still bummed out and looking over in that direction grumpily. Then she cops it and is wide awake. When she gives chase to the part beyond the Food Donkey, first you see her eyes look up and left, then the camera shifts to show the shadowy figure on the hill beyond the fence and the sinister music plays before the camera shifts back and her aunt comes to take her back home. The camera movement is sidescrolling 2D and slow and minimal, but the sheer gravitas of it has a massive impact. Your eyes are drawn to different parts of the screen, just like Mae's eyes are. It also reminds me of Wind Waker Link's eyes which had a similar idea and design and he was looking at secrets.

So yeah, during that chase scene I couldn't really go anywhere else, though I did try for the heck of it.

After everything that happened, the scene shifted to something very very weird...

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