Friday 9 November 2018

69 night in the woods - nice crossbow shooting

Dear Readers,

We laid a while after breaking the big log. Gregg then sprung up on his feet and skipped off to the right without explanation. I got up and ran after him.

The next I see, Gregg is standing there, wielding a crossbow! Up ahead was some weird thing that was made to look like a deer with an owl head and some tail feathers.

It turns out there was a hunting thing when we were younger. I said I was surprised to see he still had his crossbow. He said he wasn't into hunting but he still kept it as he thought it was cool. He asked if I ever did it and I said my dad wasn't into it, but my granddad was and that "I was pretty annoyed by that at the time."

Gregg asked if I thought I would've liked it and I said probably, that I would've liked to have been asked at least. He said buck hunting was day after tomorrow and he asked me if I wanted to shoot that thing up ahead of us. I asked him what that thing was and he said it was the forest god, like in the story. I said it looked like he just stuck a bunch of targets and decoys together and he said you work with what you got. He asked if I wanted to have a go and I said yes, and also that he should go stand in front and I'll shoot over his head! He paused. I'm glad that part wasn't gonna happen!

The scene then shifted to my aiming at the "forest god". There was also a "Possum Xing" sign. The crossbow was heavier than I expected and and I was wobbling it around like a modern day action movie where they shake the camera all the time. Hate when they do that! But anyway, I got to shooting!

I shot the target a good few times and missed a few times as well. I dunno if I was able to shoot the birds or anything, but I didn't wanna in any case. I ran out of ammunition and said I was able to hunt vampires now :) Possum Springs vampires maybe. Who knows with the weird stuff happening lately.

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