Monday 19 November 2018

79 night in the woods - the 3 weird teens... not sure if they love halloween

Dear Readers,

I went to church. Pastor Kate wasn't inside but mom was at the desk as usual.

When I went to chat with her, I was surprised to see that maybe the big argument could happen here! Yikes! I reloaded the save and went out to see Bruce instead.

Pastor Kate was sitting by the big statue! I asked her if she was waiting for someone and she said she thinks she was being stood up. I asked if it was a date and she said not the kind I meant. She said it was part of her job or something. She was waiting here by the statue of Saint Rubello. I said he was the fire-breathing guy that ate people and she said that was an oversimplification but basically yeah. I said it was pretty cool to have a statue of him here. She asked if we could learn something from him and I had the option to choose from either "Breathe fire" or "Eat People"! Haha :) I decided on "Breathe fire" and she said jokingly that it was part of our initiative to encourage criminal acts. I said it was working!

I asked how the situation was with Bruce and stuff. She had it was just to wait and see and pray... that kind of thing. No progress then...

The statue I doodled before as breathing fire, I wished it would breathe fire for real already.

I continued past her to see Bruce at his campsite. I asked him if he was gonna go down to Harfest tonight and he said he didn't know... maybe keep to himself. I told him he should say hi if he's there. I was going to be there! He said he'll see. Aw :) I really appreciate Mae showing him kindness like this.

I continued past him to the dead end and... there were three people there, sitting in a circle. I didn't expect this at all... They all had glasses on. I talked to them but they didn't answer. There was this weird slightly mystical music playing. I hollered to them and they said I was a traveller that walked from afar to see them. I told them I only walked 15 minutes from my house. I guess they were pretending to be mystical monks or something.

They said they were going to tell my future but first I had to answer what I saw. I got impatient with them, telling them they were 14 year old goths, but I then played along. I answered "The Ghost" and they said false. Did I miss out on something? They spoke their sentences like they were taking turns saying each word. I asked them if they practised that. They quietened for a moment and then spoke normally, asking if I was gonna narc on them to the pastor for being out here and I said "nah", to which they said "cool thanks".

After this encounter I doodled them in my journal. I drew their spectacled heads and wrote "3 WEIRD TEENS I MET" next to them.

They're funny and weird, but the coolest teen in town is still Lori M!

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