Saturday 10 November 2018

70 night in the woods - gregg opens up and shares

Dear Readers,

Gregg skipped past the target and I followed him, towards the lake where he stood and gazed out at it.

The scene zoomed out and showed the lake, two heron-like birds standing around in it, some of the woods, and the big old factory in the background. The reflections and fallen leaves looked very pretty on the lake.

I was about to say something when some incredibly weird buzzing noise interrupted me. I asked what the heck it was and Gregg said that's been happening lately... some weird electrical stuff. The electric shocks I got yesterday were all me though! This was something else, whatever it was.

Gregg walked closer to the shore and some sentimental music started playing, and a slow, heartfelt piano rendition of the Possum Springs town theme played along with this :)

I decided to ask him why he seemed a little up and down today. He said it was a thing... and then he asked me if he was a good person. I said "Sure!" and he paused. I asked him what was up and he said Angus really needs him; really needs a Gregg badly. I was dying to ask him if Angus was in trouble but I also really wanted to say "We all need a Gregg.", so I said that. He then said that Angus hasn't had the best life, that his family was like pure trash. I asked "How so?" and he said that they were just really stupid a-holes. He then said he never wants to lose Angus and he was worried about screwing things up. I asked him "What are you worried about doing?" and he said they had some arguments lately about stuff. He then said that maybe he's inconsiderate and that he's no good, parking lot trash and that he would have no future if it was just him without Angus... Hoo boy... Gregg was really being hard on himself here... he said that he listens to Angus snore at night and thinks... very lowly of himself. I then told him to calm down and that he was good and that Angus was good too.

Then he started praising Angus. Yeah, Angus is praiseworthy and I'd like to hang out with him at some stage in the game! :) Then after all that, Gregg paused and added that Angus "got that ass". I exclaimed and thanked him for finally saying it! Hahaha :) We both agreed wholeheartedly that it was fantastic! He then teased that he wasn't comfortable with me objectifying his boyfriend and I said it was just that part!

Gregg then just said he had up up days and down down days and he could be making a big deal out of nothing. I told him I was just coasting through on general blaaaaaah right now, which made him laugh a little :)

We paused and looked at the birds. He asked what kind they were and I said I had no idea. Gregg called out to it and called it a northern dumbfowl when it didn't respond. I called it an eastern skinnybird then. He asked if they flew south. I asked him if he wanted me to make something up and he said he did. I answered yes, they did fly south. He said it was good, real good.

That was it. The scene faded to black and I was home again afterwards. I made some new doodles. I drew an owl head with some arrows sticking out of it and wrote "FOREST GOD" around it. I doodled two knives with starry Xes around them. I doodled two Gregg heads and wrote "GREGG'S HAPPY OK" for the happy face and "GREGG'S SAD OK" for the sad face.

Ahhh Gregg :) We had a big long sunset evening of fun! Some of it really dangerous, but it was nice to hang out with him again. Also really glad we got to chat about some stuff that's going on with him too. Not in too much detail, but it's nice to share some of his thoughts and stuff troubling him. That last scene at the lake was lovely.

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