Wednesday 14 November 2018

74 night in the woods - halloween morning! two weeks late! oops!

Dear Readers,

After the crazy train dream I leaped back online to see messages from Bea and Gregg.

Bea's message was a general global message. It was about the annual Harfest play tonight at the Ol Pickaxe. "Come out and see the haunted history of Possum Springs!" it said. Wow. Might be nice. Is it part of her path though I wonder? I'll find out soon enough.

Gregg's message wished me a Happy Halloween. You know, I was hoping to play and blog to match up with Halloween, but it looks like I missed it! Ah well! Halloween as a thing should carry on clean through November anyway!

I clicked the purple turnip of bad news. No bad news today, just some seasonal clickbait. The headline speculated about "Brock", the worlds largest pumpkin, being a conduit to the dead. This headline wasn't as infuriating or depressing as the earlier headlines. I hope I'm not becoming desensitised...

I'll never be too desensitised to enjoy Sharkle's goofy laugh though :) I gave him a click before logging off.

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