Sunday 18 November 2018

78 night in the woods - lori m loves halloween

Dear Readers

I couldn't go into the Ol' Pickaxe but Lori M was here on the seat nearby and off the roof for the first time since I first met her.

I asked her if she was hype for Harfest and she said it was pretty dumb and that her plan was to watch a bunch of old Dracula movies from the 60s. The Hammer ones? :) I liked the sound of her plans, saying it sounded pretty cool. She said she was gonna get a pizza too, all to herself! That's the style! I was so impressed and told her she had life way more figured out than I did at her age! She was surprised and asked what I did back then, to which I answered "Hanging out in really embarrassing places online". That was it. We said bye then and her speech balloon went back to the RIP gravestone again. LOVE Lori M. Love her so much :) and she's so wise beyond her years!

I went to feed my rat babies. Four of them this time. I mused how they wouldn't need me anymore someday and wondered if I would even recognise them on the street as we passed each other. Then I told my miracle rats I loved them. Aw :) This is so affecting!

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