Sunday 11 November 2018

71 night in the woods - chatting with dad about stress

Dear Readers,

After my sunset-filled evening in the woods with Gregg, I got home and chatted with dad.

He had a long day and I said I did too. He asked how was socialising and I said it was surprisingly tiring sometimes. Especially tonight I'd imagine! With that frolicking in the woods and playing dumb knife games! I didn't tell him that part though. He understood socialising was tiring, which was why he didn't do much of it!

I asked him if he had any idea what was up with mom today and he said she was just stressed. I said that was vague and he said you spend a lot of adulthood being vaguely stressed. I said dang and was hoping that at least the stress got more specific. He said I'll have that too. I murmured and he said to cheer up, that it was only life and I was like gee, thanks pop...

Argh this is so real. This conversation is so real! Life is so really like this! *sigh* I'm glad I didn't have the big argument with mom at least.

I then asked him about the crawlspace boxes again. He said he'll move them and then offered some TV time with him :) I said "Yeah for a little bit."

I sat with him and we watched more Garbo & Malloy! I must remember that Garbo's the dog and Malloy's the crocodile. Malloy said the crowd in the audience reminded them of their early days. Garbo disagreed, saying none of them were angry and drunk! Most of them anyway and they got a bit of applause!

Malloy then said no, they meant the old good nights where it was just the heat of the stagelights and the thrill of winging it. Garbo added the image of the empty beer bottle being thrown at their head!

Malloy said these days were pretty cushy. Garbo asked if they were getting soft and Malloy said they were, around the midsection, to which Garbo delivered his "That's A Whoppah!" line to lots of cheering :)

Garbo said it was company policy to never body-shame. Malloy never worried about that, saying they were "bodyshameless!". Heh... that was pretty good :)

I didn't stick around for the part where they said they were going to go to counselling. I toddled off upstairs. Dad and I don't really say stuff after the show. I took a look in the crawlspace and was glad that dad was finally gonna move the boxes. I was gonna crawl back here and read a book like old times :)

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