Tuesday 27 November 2018

87 night in the woods - the well?

Dear Readers,

I found myself in a very dark place with creepy, atmospheric sounds and a dark, red light over the horizon with trees around. Was I dreaming again? The scene shifted so abruptly...

I had the weirdest movement pattern yet. I could only walk to the left. I could run to the right, but couldn't go an inch and always stopped, like I was in glue. I could only move and walk left, no jumping or anything.

I could hear very creepy breathing. I'm in the scene as I type this and my gosh it's unnerving... I continued and heard more disturbing sounds. Then I came to what looked like a well and I stopped. I just stood there, next to this well. The controller started vibrating and... the scene faded. Yikes.

The title "Part 3: The Long Fall" displayed and I woke up in my bed. Yikes yikes. That was the most disturbing dream yet, and it wasn't as noisy as the others. So, so many questions are coming up now...

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