Tuesday 6 November 2018

66 night in the woods - cj the lawyer, smelter smalltalk, more jobs lost

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town. A childhood friend visits, I see another side to the Smelters fans, and I get some bad news about local jobs.

I went in to see Angus at work and asked him how was videoland. It was the start of the Halloween rush and they had a pretty good horror section. He asked me if I had a favourite horror movie. I had a choice between two titles and I just picked "Scythe Sabboth". He was like "ooo! Italian!" so I guess it was something that Dario Argento or Mario Bava could've made :) I said they didn't mess around. Soon afterwards, I left.

Someone was standing in front of Angus and Gregg's apartment building. I kinda knew him as "CJ", a guy I recognised from high school when I was in middle school. I chatted with him about this and he asked if he knew me from back then. I said he used to play nerd games with Tom Bramwell across the street from my house. (I remember him! The butt guy right? Haha :) ) He said I had quite the memory! I asked him if he lived here anymore and he said he didn't, he was just visiting. I asked if it was for nerd games and he said it was role playing pen and paper stuff, but no, he was visiting family. He said his husband was driving down... uh oops... Do I have this person's gender right? It's hard to tell with these characters. I asked what they did and they said they were a lawyer. I asked them if I could ask them some law questions and they said sure.

I asked "What's the best way to get out of jail?". They said it depended on the situation and I interrupted them, suggesting if it was digging through a wall or attacking a guard and taking their pants and identity or cause a riot or something. They were like "huh" at my silly questions :) I asked what was the best prison gang like if you had to pick. They said they didn't really learn this kinda stuff in law school. I asked what was the point of going to college if you didn't learn useful stuff and they said laws were pretty useful. I dissed them on that point. Then there was a pause. Then I said sorry and very quickly that they were welcome back and to have a nice visit and bye. They said see ya. I'm pretty mischievous :)

The Smelters fans were less cheery today. The right one talked about the weather being nice and the left one paused. Then the right one asked why the left one seemed down and they couldn't really say anything. Then the right one changed the subject to the Smelters again and they were back to normal. Or so it seemed. This exchange is so true to life isn't it? :) Not only with sports fans but with everybody and habitual small talk. It's fine of course but sometimes you forget to be able to make any other kind of talk; forget to express any other kind of feeling.

I climbed up to the guy at the window with the newspaper and asked him what was in the news! I guess he's my source of news other than the purple turnip on my computer! He said a company named Quanterax was closing down, laying off the last 24 people working there. Yeesh... I asked what it was and he said it was a place out past Briddle that assembles "tiny computer doodads." I said the mom of someone I knew worked there. He said the work was really small and that it was bad on the fingers after a while. I told him I bagged groceries for a while. He asked me how it was and I told him about putting cold heavy stuff on the bottom, then veggies and fruit, and then bread on top. He said it looked like I had it "all figgr'd out!".

Afterwards I went out to the Food Donkey to see Germ.

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