Saturday 17 November 2018

77 night in the woods - harfest festival preparations

Dear Readers,

The town council were gathered at the bottom of the church steps, in front of Fat Pocket Pawn. I eavesdropped on their conversation...

The one named Colleen was complaining about the ferris wheel. So was the one named Andrew. They bickered about this in general with the Harfest preparations. They said it was a feature since 1984. Interesting... When they finished talking they didn't walk away. Their speech balloons became a spiral, a cloud, a shooting gun and a dollar bill.

Aunt Molly was here as well. She was usually dealing with the council members so I thought she was listening in on them, but she was here on duty for the festival. I greeted her with "Aunt Mall-Cop", even though mom didn't like me saying that. She said mall cops didn't carry guns. I asked her what she needed it for. She was blocking off the road she said and I sarcastically said she really needed that gun to block off the road. She asked me if I knew how many times she shot someone and I said no, but to tell me now! She said... once. I asked if she killed them and she said no. Then I asked her if she was saying she didn't really need it then. I suggested she carry a battle axe! She said she'll look into it.

Man... I'm very cheeky and disrespectful to my aunt but I guess there is room for banter and the banter I admit is really good!

The Telezoft workers were standing outside with their usual cigarette and coffee cup speech bubbles. I wonder how their unhappy co-worker is...

There was a big banner here that said "87th annual POSSUM SPRINGS HARFEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE POSSUM SPRINGS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE". I stopped and cheerfully observed all this, saying it was all great and Harfesty :) saying it was like a less spooky Halloween. I thought about going right home to get ready or to stay wandering around for a while. There wasn't a decision to make here but I wanted to wander around here and take in the Harfesty air :)

I popped down into the tunnel and managed to snag another pretzel for my rat babies. There was no one down here but someone dressed in a costume with a big pumpkin head. They looked a bit unsettling at first, but when I spoke to them and they muffled back, it was kinda humorous. It sounded like they were going to do pranks like I did when I was their age. I told them to go easy on my street, they muffled something, and I said "deal", whatever that was!

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