Saturday 24 November 2018

84 night in the woods - harfest festival time!

Dear Readers,

Before leaving the house I called out for anyone but then figured they went out already. I immediately went down to the area at the bottom of the church steps to check out the parade!

I doodled tons of jack o lanterns in my journal! Lots of bats, stars, moons and wrote "Halloween" in joined writing and "HARFEST" on the other page. "Harfest" was the title of this new section of the game too.

The music that played was a dramatic carnival style of music. A man's voice guffawed along with the theme too at one point. There was a marching band and a float but it was so dark I could only really see their silhouettes. Still quite festive though!

Many people were here. Some I've never seen before, some I have. Mr Penderson, the Smelters fans, one or two of the teens, one or two of the Telezoft workers too; all enjoying the show.

I couldn't go anywhere except the tent and the Ol' Pickaxe. I went into the right door of the tent first. There I had a go on the "wheel of destiny". There was also some kind of soothsayer. The sooth shall be said they said! I spun the wheel when the meter was near full and landed on 2. I got a card with knives pointing at a dude's head. They said I will know much troubles until the end of my days. Yikes... I then said wasn't this just everyone's life? and they said that I had learned much, child. I then had to remind someone else that I was 20. Haha :)

Afterwards I went into the left door of the tent. There was the Harfest Spooktacular Water Balloon Toss where the town council members were dressed up as skeleton, witch, pumpkin and ghost. I had to throw water balloons at them! That felt pretty good and fun :) they're doing something for the town I can get behind! After the event they gathered together and said to support local businesses. They groaned when one of them said "More like Awesome Springs!". So that's who came up with that poster earlier! Heh heh :)

The only place to go now was into the Ol' Pickaxe.

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