Saturday 3 November 2018

63 night in the woods - learning more about granddad from rosa

Dear Readers,

I took a walk down to the tunnel.

I listened in on the fisherman's poems again. He said something about wife being gone and kids not caring but the tunnel fish were always there. I laughed and agreed with him and he once again told me to please stop listening. Why do I torment him so :)

I hope he didn't actually have that misfortune...

Miss Rosa was here! Woo! We greeted one another and I asked how she was feeling. She said she feels the damp and the cold down here but it's in her bones wherever she goes so it wasn't any harm. Wow... I asked her if she wanted to talk about granddad and she said she did! She said where was she and I said "Troublemakers in my family?" to remind her.

She said there were all kinds of places and dances that brought people together in those days. She met granddad at one a lifetime ago. I asked what he was like back then and she said he was plain in most respects and prone to fits of melancholy, but funny and wild when the occasion called for it. She summed it up as surprising. She asked me what my dad said about him and I said "Distant but... trying?" and she said that sounded right. Then she paused and said we'd talk another time. I said I hoped she'd feel better and she said something like "Oh Mae... oh dear sweet Mae" almost as if she was trying to say "If only you knew". Hrm...

I was gonna grab another pretzel but I failed! I can't move my hand while being watched, even if I'm not holding anything! Dang it :( missed my chance today.

I checked on the rats and there were four of them this time. Hope I didn't ruin anything by failing to grab that pretzel for their dinner...

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