Friday 5 July 2019

295 night in the woods - back home from the mall

Dear Readers,

When I got home I had a chat with dad. He heard I had a wild time last night. I said I didn't drink and he said it worked better if he accused me first.

His hangover cure he said was not drinking the night before. I jokingly said to hang on and let me write it down and he jokingly said it was complicated.

Then he asked me about tonight. I said I went out with Bea. He asked if we had a good time and I said yeah but she was kinda... like she was older. Like, much older and kinda sad. He said she'd been through a lot and I said yeah...

Man, I'm looking forward to getting to know Bea a lot more. It was really nice of her to take me to the mall this evening.

I then asked dad if he would mind moving the boxes in the crawlspace. He asked what I had done for him lately and I said "Been a credit to this family." He said that didn't count and invited me to watch some TV with him. I gladly said "Yeah for a little bit." and we got to watching Garbo and Malloy. The result was the same this time :)

Garbo and Malloy joked about superstition and the feeling of impending disaster. That kinda ties in to this story later on. Also, the joke at the end about joining a cult.

Afterwards I went upstairs and got online to chat with Bea and Gregg.

I said hey to Bea and said it was cool mall times. She agreed that it was indeed cool mall times. I said I hoped we didn't make too much of a mess with the fountain and she said who's we? as she was merely sitting there when she was assaulted with mall water! I jokingly said I would not rest until that fountain was brought to justice! She said to tell the whole world her story. They must know. I then said I was going to sleep and hoped the nightmares weren't going to be 2horrible. She continued talking about the water, saying it was a trauma she shall bear forever.

I then chatted with Gregg and asked what he did 2nite. He said nothing much, stole something for Angus. A surprise. I said wow what was it? and he said to hold on for a sec. Then he said he had to go and that he'd TTML. I said ok weirdo and asked if he was ok and that was it. I know from before that this night was when he went to get the robot thing for Angus. I wonder how he got on without me...

That night i did indeed have a horrible dream. It was the first of the musician dreams where a big scary animal appeared at the end.

In the morning I got a message from Bea, saying she got sick from the mall food. Aw :( She was still working though if I wanted to say hello.

Gregg said he was working and Angus was out of town so he was on his ownsome and all lonesome.

Gave Sharkle my usual click and logged off.

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