Wednesday 17 July 2019

307 night in the woods - fireflies with bea

Dear Readers,

Finished with work at last, Bea and I left Mrs. Miranda's house.

I said that was fun and she was like ok... and kinda quiet about it. I said she gave us lemonade! I asked her "You not like lemonade?" and she said it was faaantastic. I asked what was wrong with her then and she said it was nothing, just tired. She worked all day. I said I was all hyper! She said good for you and I went ugh... calling her zero fun. She said yep and I said she needed some magical stuff to give her new perspective. She said in her tired, sarcastic way to let her know when that happens as she wouldn't want to miss it.

Bea sat on the porch a while, taking a rest. I ran off to the weird windmill, gathering fireflies as I went and climbed. Then I came back to Bea with them. The music here was a nice little chime, making me think of the simple pleasures in life. Bea was like wow and laughed, asking me if I was like a firefly whisperer or something! They just liked me I guess! Bea then said I was an interesting person, calling me by my full name.

I then said "No, Mrs. Miranda is an interesting person." She mummified a dude. Bea then said ok, I was a more benign kind of interesting. I said woohoo! After a pause Bea said this would've been a much less exciting evening if I wasn't along for the ride.

I said "Along for the ride?!" and asserted my belief that I worked pretty hard down there and that I should get a cut of the bill! Bea said not a chance and called me an unpaid intern! I said I'd fight her for it! Right here and now! Bea then said I should channel that aggression I always had into something useful.

I said that Dr. Hank told me way back that I needed to repress it. Bea was surprised at the word repress as opposed to the words learning to deal with it. I said that he specifically said repress. She said hm and ok and there was another pause.

I asked Bea if she thought Mrs. Miranda pulled her husband's guts out when she was mummifying him. She said she didn't know.

The camera then panned upwards into the sky. I asked Bea if she thought she'd have the stomach for it. She said nope. I said it probably took a lot of heart. Bea said yep. Then I said I wished she would ex-spleen it to us :) heh heh. I said she really rectum! Bea said that probably stayed in place. I then said yeah, that it should stay where it be-lungs! Bea then said she was leaving and her word balloon moved off to the left. I said you gotta liver your life! She said bye, this was her gone. I finally said wait up! and my word balloon followed her.

Bea said I was walking back to town. I said she had a lot of gall to say that! She said she was calling the cops. That was that. We left then.

When I arrived home I sketched our adventure in my journal. I drew the big robot face furnace, with fire coming out its eyes and a baseball bat next to it. Above it all I wrote "WORKIN'" and had the furnace itself say "GRRRR ANGRY FURNACE" Below the furnace I drew the mummified corpse of Mrs. Miranda's husband, though with a shirt and tie. I wrote underneath "WHO MAKES A MUMMY?!" Finally I drew the gnome next to him.

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