Friday 12 July 2019

302 night in the woods - bea's housecall

Dear Readers,

Later that evening, Bea and I made a housecall. It seemed to be in the wilderness and it was a lovely evening with fireflies all around. It was pretty late though.

I suggested maybe she refuse to do housecalls and she said nope. When I asked her why she said it was called a job and people paid you to do it... ideally, at least. She walked ahead of me and asked if I was coming. I said there was a thing back where I was at the driveway. Bea said yeah, this lady was old and she had weird stuff in her yard. I caught up to Bea, saying it was like a windmill. She said yep and walked on further.

I said I had never been back up here before. She declared, using my full name, that I had now been here. I said it was nice. I caught up with Bea in front of the house, fireflies already swirling around me and a huge full moon in the background. Bea said yeah, that it was just a bunch of old cabins that people turned into houses. Some hunting camps too, so she told me not to get shot or anything. I said Buck season wasn't for a few days right? and she said well, folks get impatient. I got up on the porch with her and finished her sentence saying for muuuuuurder! She said it ain't murder if it was animals. I said that was dark.

It certainly was dark and also kinda yikes since we're animals as well. She told me to hold that thought. We knocked on the door and went in.

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