Saturday 6 July 2019

296 night in the woods - mom explains why the mall is dying

Dear Readers,

The next morning dad hadn't moved the boxes yet, but I went downstairs to chat with mom.

She greeted me good morning and asked if I could feel it last night. I said "No?" and she started talking about the sinkholes. It was the same conversation as last time and nothing really changed when I chose the different dialogue option.

When she asked me what I did last night I had something different to say alright since I went to the mall with Bea. She was like OH! Fort Lucenne? and I was like yeah! She said she hadn't been there in years and asked me how it was now... I said it was kinda falling apart and empty. She said she expected that and that everyone just goes to the outlet stores up by the interstate now for like shoes and things. I guess that explains the demise of this particular mall.

She almost said the J word here as well and I said I gotta go! She had the same laugh as well as last time.

I avoided this conversation by going out into the damp, murky weather. This was what I preferred to do!

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