Sunday 21 July 2019

311 night in the woods - colder choices while dusk star hunting

Dear Readers,

It was a nicer day in Possum Springs. Jack O Lanterns showing up now at this point.

When Selmers asked me what was good I said "Not falling in a trashcan and puking on yourself?" and I got the same response as the bleeding on the chair thing. I said "Sure!" to another poem. Why not! It was the one about fruit snacks, juice box and headphones by the train tracks. Mmm :)

It was here she told me about someone having a fire by the water tower, which she can see from her house.

I went up to Mr. Chazokov and "Definitely!" was my answer to hunting more dusk stars! Spotted Simone the Fighter. This time I said "Geez." Instead of saying what he said was poetic. When it got to the part of the story about the prayers for her to be the people's salvation I said "That's a lot of pressure for one person." and he said there were others but the point was that they were symbols of hope and stuff.

Next was Sterling the Seer. I asked "Was he not psychic?" and Mr. Chazokov said who can say? Do we believe any tale occurred? When it came to the part about Sterling being kicked out and replaced I said "That sounds fair." he asked if people shouldn't be cared for just because of obsolescence and I said "That's how life is!" He then asked me if I believed that some should go hungry and without homes because they are no longer useful to those in power? and I was like geez, when he put it that way... this made him laugh and then we wrapped it up for star hunting. My choices were pretty cold today... hope it doesn't reflect negatively.

I love that saddest sentences he ever heard line as well! That is, the one I said about knowing so much without getting paid for it. It's so true though. It's like that Garth quote from Wayne's World.

I don't believe in being abandoned just because of obsolescence and I'm glad Mae doesn't either, no matter what dialogue choices I make!

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