Thursday 18 July 2019

308 night in the woods - people who attract insects

Dear Readers,

I asked dad how was work and he said it was better than the glass factory!

I said was it? He said he'd mined, he'd run machines, but now he got to slice steaks and hock salamis. He said it was easier on the back at least. I asked him if he liked it and he said he liked having a paycheck, the sweetest meats of all.

He asked what I did tonight and I just said stuff, but I felt like I did a day's work. He said there were places I could get paid to work these days and I said oh really? He said they called it working and I said you kids with your slang!

I asked him again about the boxes and he was still thinking about it. He asked me would I watch some TV with him and I said "Yeah for a little bit."

I don't think I'll ever choose the no option here.

More Garbo and Malloy! It was about movie piracy and cliffhangered on stupid sandwiches.

Bea and Gregg were online when I went upstairs. I said to Bea what we did was fun and we should do it again sometime! She said I was pretty handy when it came to breaking stuff. I said I was sure there was a job in there somewhere and she said it was called demolition and I could actually get a job doing that. I said I had found my calling! Bea then said she looked up people who attract insects and it came down a lot to heat and various odours. I said they couldn't get enough of this and she said she guessed not and wished me goodnight.

Gregg asked what I did 2nite. I said I got trapped in a basement and beat up a furnace. He said right on man and then said night night.

I gave Sharkle a goodnight click and went to bed.

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