Monday 15 July 2019

305 night in the woods - attaching stuff to the furnace

Dear Readers,

While Bea worked on Clanky the furnace I had a look around.

I observed the furnace and thought maybe I could make something out of all the junk that was down here. I thought who would even have this much junk.

I went to the far right of the room to check out the figurine. I called it professor and said I needed its expertise to fix this stupid furnace. I picked it up.

I went to the fan and thought it could be useful in furnace fixin, so I picked it up too.

I hopped up on the wardrobe and picked up the fishing rod, thinking it looked useful.

I then picked up the tennis racquet, thinking it looked useful. Then I looked at the furnace and the scene switched.

The music changed to a little Ace Attorney-like examine-the-thing minigame. It was a pretty nice tune!

I had a gnome, a fishing pole, a badminton racquet, and a fan. The furnace had two wheels and a turny thing with no wheel. I thought maybe I just needed to turn the turny thing " open up the heat pipes."

I thought maybe Clanky had loads of heat that couldn't get out, getting Clanky all hot and bothered. I thought we would teach Clanky to love! My thought was this: "I think gnomey could bite onto the turny thing where the wheel was." and I could probably pull him. My second thought was this: "but we're not always going to be here to pull him..." The fan could stay on and then if it broke you only had to replace the fan. I thought it should be good for the environment too, which was important. Kinda like the turbines on the mountain by Fort Lucenne. I remembered when everyone was so mad about that. They said stuff like it was gonna ruin the view and that it was gonna kill birds. I thought the view and birds were gonna go anyway due to a meteor hitting the Earth because it'll get too hot. That's what happened to the dinosaurs after all.

My next thought was "Dinosaurs were effing rad." and they had them in the ocean too! I'm glad I wasn't a fish back then. I wondered if they had fish, like dinosaur fish? and then stopped myself with my next thought being: "No. Fish are fish, Mae. Get a grip." I thought that fish were probably like aw man what the heck, not believing future fish wouldn't have to deal with this BS. I compared sharks to the potential piranha Nessie with rabies that could've been. I thought about documentaries on the subject with the host saying the seas were full of such creatures. Then I told myself to focus as I was gonna make a turbine.

There wasn't a lot of wind down here, but I could put the fan on gnomey's butt and that would make it spin. The racquet could be for the other fin part. I thought tying it all together with the fishing line would make it be like... wow!

In no time at all I got everything strapped to this big machine in a way like I was thinking. I thought maybe I should start a company and make a sustainable garbage turbine!

Suddenly, Bea said she was done! There goes my idea!

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