Monday 8 July 2019

298 night in the woods - pastor kate on sleeping in

Dear Readers,

I wandered around in the rain. It was nice to see people still went out on a day like this. Someone had their laundry out and I figured it'd make for a cheap wash. I went to the church area on my rounds.

Mom and I talked about locked doors and bad cowboy impressions. The sanctuary was now unlocked so I went in to see Pastor Kate. When she asked if I wasn't a churchgoer I said "No". She asked if I was a big fan of sleeping in and I said wasn't she? She then said she couldn't remember the last time she slept in, but it might've been last Saturday. I said it wasn't long ago and she said it had been a very long week. I said same.

She asked me when I stopped coming to church and I said it was when mom stopped making me. We talked a bit about Bruce as well, how the situation was going slowly.

I had to go and see Bruce on this damp dreary day too. This was when he had the town council talking to him and asking him stuff. Molly was here too.

When they left I asked him his story. He gave me a general gist on what he did for work and how it was a string of bad luck that brought him to where he was now. There wasn't any option to ask about anything else for now.

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