Tuesday 9 July 2019

299 night in the woods - horror movie fans rule ok

Dear Readers,

I nabbed a pretzel for my rat babies and chatted with some teens in the tunnel. No rainy day is gonna stop me from livin'.

It was a cosy place to be on a rainy day and I said as much to the teens. I then started reminiscing and they bluntly said nobody cares.

After I got a dissing from the teens in the tunnel I decided to ascend to wetter places. I fed my rat babies along the way and noticed there were three of them today. Can't wait 'til the next feed!

I climbed up to Lori M on the rooftops. It was wetter up here but it was nicer than being in the tunnel with the ruder teens, even though it was drier.

Gonna sit if it's cool I told her. She said it was cool so I sat. Thanks Lori :)

Lori M was making drawings for a horror movie she wanted to make. I said "That's sooooo rad!". When she said she wanted to go to horror movie school I said "I think they have those." and she said they were really cool. She talked more about her passion and apologised for sounding boring. I said how could that possibly be boring? I really appreciated her talking to me about this!

Like I said before, horror movie fans are some of the nicest people ever :) Those teens in the tunnel probably like... I dunno... The Hangover or something.

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