Saturday 20 July 2019

310 night in the woods - argument averted... by talking about working

Dear Readers,

I briefly wondered if you could learn to talk to birds. Then I went down to talk to mom, who was not in good humour. I decided to talk to her this time instead of heading out to avoid the argument...

I hopped up on the counter and yawned. Mom greeted me and asked if I had a long night. I said yeah and that I went to work with Bea. She said oh, and asked if I was gonna work there. I said no, and that I was just tagging along, though I was like, really useful. I said it was a new and exciting feeling.

I asked her if she was ok. She said yeah, that she had just been doing boring adult stuff. I asked her what kind of adult stuff and that I was adult stuff! She made an ellipsis and I was puzzled. She then said it was like budget, bills, numbers and that a lot of adulthood was number stress. I said that sounded bad and that I was bad at numbers. She said she remembered.

I said I was gonna head out and told her to have a nice day. Hmm... no argument...

I talked to her again and she just said numbers, numbers, numbers...

Maybe the argument didn't happen because I was hanging out with Bea and was working and I told mom I was actually excited about working?

People tend to not yell at you if you work... even if you're an unpaid intern.

Hmmmm :(

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