Wednesday 24 July 2019

314 night in the woods - asking cj about robbing banks

Dear Readers,

I called in to see Angus. It was the start of the Halloween rush in videoland! He asked what my favourite was.

This time I chose "Black Oaks" and he was like oh nice. Witchy. I said it was witchy as heck! Not too different from the other choice.

This was the day I met CJ in town too. I still don't know what their gender is. I asked some different questions this time. I asked "What's the best way to rob a bank?" and they said that wasn't really legal advice. I said it was all related, right? and they just said uh.. ya know... bandit mask and a gun? I was like eh, that's been done. The conversation resumed in the same manner as in the last playthrough, awkward pause and all :)

Smelters fans made small talk about the weather, then one asked the other what was getting them down and afterwards they quickly changed the subject back to Smelters. Still wondering what they're feeling!

Newspaper guy talked about jobs being lost in another town but at least they were crap jobs that were bad on your fingers after a while. Good riddance I say! I also talked about my old job bagging groceries.

Now to hang out with Germ again!

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